Tuesday, November 15, 2005

40 and Blessed

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. The party was wonderful—so great to sit with friends and family and enjoy one another's company. We ate dinner on the patio of a great little Mexican restaurant, and Mike even tied balloons to my chair.

Over the course of the last week, I have been showered with gifts and cards galore. Between family and friends, I've receieved over thirty cards. What does that tell me?


Sorry for the shouting, but I just don't see how else to describe it. Saturday, I sat alone doing my bible study while my hubby took our two girls shopping. (Yes, for birthday presents. LOL! Sunday was the actual day.) Anyway, I went out to the malibox and found four cards from totally unexpected sources. I read each one, stood them in front of me, and cried. It was almost too much.

I was overwhelmed by such caring and to be remembered, well, my heart jusy about burst. See, the thing is, I don't deserve it. Not at all. I didn't earn it either. Again, I see it's all about relationships. That's what life's about. That's what God's about.

Overwhelemed, humbled, shown again just how amazing God's grace is. And this is just an earthly example that flowed over me. Can you imagine what God's love is like? Oh, wow. I don't think I can wrap my brain around it.

I am so incredibly and richly blessed. For each card, e-card, e-mail, personal note, present and song of Happy Birthday—thank you, thank you so much. You have blessed me beyond belief. I would say I'm the luckiest woman on earth if I believed in luck, but I don't.

I believe in God.


Unknown said...

No, girl...YOU are a blessing to so many! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Dineen! What a great day sounds like you had. You sound VERY blessed! 40, huh? Maybe I'll not have a midlife crisis on my 40th, like I did on my 35th? I'll try to remember your wonderful attitude when all too soon I hit another round number. :)

Anonymous said...

You do deserve it! I don't think you realize what a blessing you are to us. Every day... every minute, you bless us beyond what we deserve just by being you.