So here's the fun. Leave comments with suggestions for titles. Hey, there's no pass or fail to this. Just have fun and tell us what you see. I will hold a drawing next Wednesday and two lucky people will win a book—either a signed copy of Brandilyn Collin's Violet Dawn or a copy of Janice Thompson's book The Wedding Caper.
Even if you don't want the books (be sure to let me know), leave suggestions. All ideas are welcome. I'll also announce if Rachel uses one of the titles. If one of the suggestions is chosen, that person just might receive a tasty surprise! So have fun!
I suck at titles but I LOVE the painting...
Told you earlier I loved that painting--very intense. Here are a few ideas:
Storm Fire
Courage Under Fire (am I the only one who "saw" stripes from our flag in that?? LOL)
Okay, I'll stop at that. LOL I'm nursing a headache and exhausted.
I already have the books, but I'll try my hand. (BTW, Ronie, my first thought was the flag, as well and thought of storm.)
Tears of the flag
but i suck at titles. i can't think of one for my novel.
Blue Monday
Cool Storm in the Hot Desert.
Dreams of Rain of the Damned in Hell.
Message in the sky!
Your daughter is brilliant!! Hope your day is great. Will call you tomorrow. Love and hugs, Lynn
Fire & Rain
Clouded Vision
A Welcome Rain
COnfusing Weather System
Okay, now I'm just getting silly. :) That is a beautiful piece. How old is your daughter? Does she sell her art? She should put up a website of her stuff, if she hasn't already!
You guys are doing great. Keep it up!
We all know I bite at titles....here're my lame attempts:
Storm of Life
Storm of Tranquility
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