Monday, November 03, 2008

Time for Reflection

This morning I finally had time alone to sit, pray, and think. So much has happened in such a short time, yet to think back to the end of September when we were thrust onto this path of surgery and treatment seems so long ago.

We have so much to be thankful for in the midst of this crazy journey, and I believe we've been witness to miracles and so many answered prayers. Last week tests revealed the tumor isn't a PNET, which are always grade 4, but another type that's more like a grade 3 and will need less treatment.

This is wonderful news and, I believe, a miracle. Leslie won't need to undergo chemotherapy, just radiation. My girl may even get to go back to school early next year.

God is good.

And he's so very faithful. He's kept his word every step of the way, and most importantly, never left my side. I don't know how people deal with situations like this without God. I really don't. He has strengthened me every step of the way and given me a certainty that my daughter would be okay.

In this light of this quiet and peaceful Monday morning, I am praising God for his greatness and love. We still have a ways to go, but I know God's there, working in amazing and miraculous ways that we won't fully understand this side of heaven.

I can't wait to one day see the full picture. But for now I'm content in the Father's arms, knowing he has everything well in hand. I pray that for you too. Be blessed.

(Picture: Leslie in her purple and red wig and pink beanie.)


Chesh said...

I am so glad to hear that. God is good and I believe He has more good in store for you and your family. Your daughter looks very cool in her new do. :) Still praying!!

Dineen A. Miller said...

Ruby, thank you so much for your prayers. I love hearing from you. Blessings!

Unknown said...


Thank you for the update, for sharing. I will be lifting Leslie, your family and you daily in my prayers.

Having traveled this journey personal, I would not had made it except for the Lord, for the Father carrying me through it all.

He has not wasted anything and has used it to touch the lives of others, as I have shared the hope that has been given me.

Blessing and prayers,

Writing for the King,


Gina Conroy said...

Just now hearing about this. I've been a little out of touch! I'll be praying and if you'd like to write up a little post for prayer, I'll post it to my Writer...Interrupted sites!