I won’t go into details, except to say a glaring difference of belief placed a wedge between us. In the past, I’ve dealt with our mismatched beliefs by agreeing to disagree. My determination to love my husband unconditionally never wavered, because I knew that’s what God wanted. I gladly obliged. I will say it hasn’t been that hard because one, my husband is very easy to love, and two, I believe God has enabled me to do so.
But the tables turned this weekend.
Read the rest at SUM.
My heart cares for the struggle that you are in..... I have lived those days and I can remember those feelings as though they were yesterday....... I know that God is busy at work in your life with your husband , but I also know that we as women hurt down in our hearts that only God can comfort. I have added you to my prayer list and I will lift you up in prayer and I will pray that the Holy Spirit bring many people in his path to plant seeds that others will water............
I told you, you could write this... and beautifully done at that!
Heart-rending post, Dineen. On the counter side of this, I pray that he sees your unwavering beliefs. That's one that I think will stick out in his mind--that even though it was hard to do, you "stuck to your guns," so to speak. I am so sorry for this part of the storm. It's definitely brutal.
Love you, girlie!!!
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