She’s funny, writes awesome stories, and knits up a storm. She’s the fabulous
Camy Tang, here to tell us about her latest book,
Only Uni, book two in the Sushi Series. One lucky commenter will win a copy of this book, so be sure to leave a comment. This is a great book.
Welcome, Camy! Now that you’ve tread the path of newly published with your first book, Sushi for One, how did writing your second book compare to the first? Only Uni was SO much harder to write! I’m not sure why, although many published author friends of mine say the second book is harder for some reason. It shouldn’t have been, because I already had a skeleton plot and everything, but writing words was like pulling teeth with chopsticks. LOL
Now that you’ve finished book three as well (we’ll come back to that), who’s your favorite character in the series and why?Venus is definitely my favorite, because she has kahones. I’m not that brave—I wish I was! I’m guessing that a lot of writers create characters who are what they themselves would like to be. I wouldn’t mind being as skinny and disciplined as Venus, either.
What moment in your life most resembled a scene from a chick-lit book?I’d have to say it was my wedding. The months before, it was like organizing a meeting of the world leaders. We had all kinds of requests and suggestions to field from both sets of parents. (So I guess it kind of was like a meeting of world leaders. LOL)
On the day, it seemed like everything went wrong. It rained. Getting my dress to the car to drive it to the church was a major operation. My makeup lady charged extra after I’d left the house to go to the church.
I smiled so much, my lip was quivering, so I frowned in between pictures and people kept asking me if my feet hurt or something. It took forever for my relatives to get arranged for the large group pictures (how hard is it to stand there when the photographer says to stand there?).
I had to pee just before it was time to walk down the aisle (I almost missed my cue), OH and using the bathroom was a two-person show—luckily one of my bridesmaids had young children and didn’t mind (oops, is that TMI? Well, I don’t care).
There were other things that went wrong that I was blissfully unaware of until later—the videographer’s slide show was malfunctioning earlier (he got it working just in time, but I’m sure it shaved a few years off his life). There was some problem with the tables and the guestlist/seating arrangement, and I’m still not entirely sure what was wrong, but I know lots of my friends were running around like headless chickens for a good hour or two before we arrived at the restaurant. An entire table didn’t show up except for four people—four people to eat food for 10!—but luckily some of our friends were seated nearby, and they mooched off the extras.
And then after all the hassle of ordering a really scrumptious Chinese banquet dinner, I was too exhausted to eat! ME! Can you believe it? I was miserable because I was tired AND I couldn’t even enjoy the deep fried lobster balls! You can see pictures
If you were a character in a book, what kind of character would write for yourself?I’d probably write myself totally NOT who I really am. I’d be Anne Elliot from Jane Austen’s Persuasion—calm, collected, faithful, forbearing—everything I’m not. Or Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice—playful, vivacious, clever—again, mostly traits I don’t have.
Tell us a little about book three in the series and when it’s due to come out.
(I've had a glimpse of this story and CANNOT WAIT to read the rest.)
Single Sashimi is Venus’s story, and it comes out in August. People who bought
Only Uni will find the first chapter at the end of the book. Here’s the blurb:
Drake Yu. Why would Drake call her after … what, five years? Six? Venus heard in his voice that resonance that was almost a growl, that titanium-hard determination to get what he wanted. And he usually got what he wanted. The voice said: “I want you to work for me.”
Not this time… If it was a choice between Drake and McDonald’s—she’d choose french fries. She’d never work for him again. It would take an act of God.
Venus Chau is determined to start her own game development company and launch the next Super Mario-sized phenomenon. However, she needs an investor to back her idea. When Drake Yu, an old nemesis, approaches Venus with a contracting opportunity at his sister’s startup, the offer to become Chief Operating Officer tempts Venus to think the unthinkable.
Venus would rather throw away her PS3 than work for Drake again … except Grandma bribes Venus to do this favor for Drake’s wealthy family with a coveted introduction to the most respected investor in the game industry. It’s also a short job—only a few months—so Venus won’t have to stand Drake’s presence for very long.
But one wild youth group, a two-faced assistant, and Grandma’s determined match-making threaten to make them both fail—or go insane. With the encouragement of her three cousins, Lex, Trish, and Jennifer, Venus discovers that even a wounded heart can undergo a beautiful transformation …
Any parting words of wisdom or comedy?Wisdom? This is me, remember?
BUT I do have something to let people know about—my huge website contest! I’m giving away five boxes of books and 25 copies of Only Uni! Only my newsletter YahooGroup members can enter, so
JOIN TODAY. Contest info is
Thanks for having me here, Dineen!
*Remember to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Only Uni